Choose a filename and save the file to a direction of your liking.

MAC: In the print menu click the PDF dropdown and select " Save as PDF." PC: In the print menu click on the dropdown menu for the printers and select " Microsoft print to PDF" and click " OK" afterwards.Select File > Print/View in the Movie Magic top menu and choose " Yamdu_Import_Layout_1.0" from the Strip Layouts list, uncheck all checkboxes EXCEPT " Stripboard", " Banners" and " Day Breaks" so that only those three are selected and click " Print" afterwards.If you want to import a schedule for a single day please select the last scene in the Stripboard and click "Insert Day Break" For the import to work there has to be at least one daybreak included.Make sure all cast members do have a Board ID and add IDs if any cast members are missing it.Click "Import Strip Layout(s)" and choose the file you just downloaded (it will probably be in your Download folder and has the file extension.Open your Movie Magic Schedule in Movie Magic Scheduling 6 and select Design > Strip Layouts in the top menu.Download our Movie Magic Striplayout: Yamdu_Layout_1_0.msl.If you want to try out our Movie Magic Import feature just follow these easy steps: But not only that, the import will also generate all scenes, roles and sets in Yamdu automatically for you to use in your project or merge and link this data if already existing in Yamdu. Now you can easily import your Movie Magic Schedule into Yamdu (works with both PC and Mac)! After the import you will be able to edit your schedule in Yamdu just like you created it there. You have already started working with Movie Magic Scheduling and created a schedule in the application?