The widget can be configured by clicking on this icon. A pencil icon appears in the widget's lower-right corner. Widgets that are toggled on will have their position within the app highlighted in red. Widgets that have been turned on are shaded dark blue, while those that are turned off are light blue. The widget can be toggled on/off by clicking on this icon. An eye icon appears in the widget's upper-right corner. Hover your mouse over some of the off-panel widgets and note the following:.And for some themes, in-panel widgets can also be placed in numbered positions outside of the theme's container. If you experimented with the various themes, you saw that the shape and positioning of the widget container is something that differs across the themes. When adding an in-panel widget, the developer can position the widget within a container. In-panel widgets, on the other hand, can be added to or removed from the app. Examples include the Scalebar and Coordinate widgets. Off-panel widgets are built into the app and can only be toggled on/off. The widgets available in Web AppBuilder can be categorized as off-panel or in-panel. This is where the real power of the Web AppBuilder becomes apparent. Click on the Map tab and note that it is possible to change the app's underlying Web Map and to override the map's initial extent and visible scale levels.Depending on the theme chosen, you will see different options under the Style and Layout headings. The controls on the app preview are functional, so you can click on the Legend and Layer List controls to see how they would behave. Try out some or all of the available themes (Billboard, Box, Dart, etc.).The first of the configuration tabs is Theme, which provides access to settings that deal mainly with the app's appearance. The app is dynamically linked to the configuration options so that changes made on the left will be reflected on the right immediately. The Web AppBuilder will open with configuration options organized within tabs on the left side of the window and a preview of your new app on the right side. Assign a Title of PSU Main Campus Buildings, add some tags that would aid in discovering the app (e.g., Penn State, buildings), optionally enter a summary, then click Get Started.Click Create a Web App and this time click on the Web AppBuilder tab rather than the Configurable Apps tab.Re-open your Buildings map using Map Viewer Classic and click again on the Share button.

Now let's try one of Esri's more open-ended options for creating apps, the Web AppBuilder. 1.2.3 Creating an App with the Web AppBuilder